Where the Disciplines Meet
Building on the success of last year’s pilot on-line series, we are glad to present the 2022 UNISCAPE lectures “Where Disciplines Meet”. This year the theme is Landscape and Sustainability.
The series will comprise seven live sessions, one per month from February to October, generally on Tuesdays at 17.30- 19.00 (CET):
- 15th February | VIDEO REGISTRATION
Ellen FETZER and Deni RUGGERI, University of Nurtingen-Geislingen and University of Maryland
Community Scales. Toward a socially transformative pedagogy in design and planning. A critical reflection - 15th March | VIDEO REGISTRATION
Bert DE ROO, University of applied sciences and arts Ghent – HOGENT & Howest
‘Designing-with’: Towards designing landscapes where species meet” - 12th April | VIDEO REGISTRATION
Jo BOONEN, University College Ghent
Landscape architecture and social sustainability – towards a dialogue in education and practice - 11th May | VIDEO REGISTRATION
Daniela COLAFRANCESCHI, University of Reggio Calabria “Mediterranea”; Fabio MANFREDI, University of Genoa, Pere SALA, Landscape Observatory of Catalonia
Wind Energy and Culture of the Landscape. Guidelines for an adequate installation - 14th June | VIDEO REGISTRATION
Hermann J. TILLMANN, ITLA – International Terraced Landscapes Alliance
Diversity of knowledge systems in terraced landscapes: clue for sustainability - 27th September | VIDEO REGISTRATION
Laura CIPRIANI, TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
(Un)certain lines and landscapes. Marginal coastal landscapes in the climatic crisis - 25th October | EVENT PAGE
Stefano TORNIERI, Universitaà Iuav di Venezia
MEDIAL ENVIRONMENTS. New generations of infrastructure
The series will be hosted by UNISCAPE via Zoom upon (free) registration and open publically. Papers will be recorded and archived on the UNISCAPE website and, in due course, made available on general release.