UNISCAPE announce the programme of the 3rd series of lectures online “Landscape is Where the Discipilines Meet”
This year the theme is Landscape in Action : Applying the Landscape Principle
The 2023 WDM Series aims to explore the challenges and experiences of applying the landscape principle in various professional contexts and arenas. The holistic sentiment and theoretical sophistication of the landscape paradigm, and in particular its implicit commitment to transversality, present real challenges for practitioners, decision-makers and citizen-participants. In this series, we want to interrogate and problematize the roll-out of the landscape paradigm as experienced by different disciplines and professions, and to examine its uneven penetration. What sorts of challenges does the Landscape Convention generate for your discipline/profession, and how are they being met?
Now in its third year, the series will comprise eight live sessions, one per month February- June and September-November.
All lectures start at 17:30 CET. 40 minutes duration, with 15 minutes for questions and answers.The series will be hosted by UNISCAPE via Zoom upon free registration and open publically. Papers will be recorded and archived on the UNISCAPE website and, in due course, made available on general release.
23rd March | Event page
Vittoria MENCARINI, University of Ferrara
Natural Areas Office, Municipality of Ravenna Moving Horizons, design praxis through soil transformation. A landscape manifesto
13th April| Event page
Tim WATERMAN, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London
Planetarity: Landscapes of Double Consciousness
8th May| Event page
Tanya PASSOS ROSA and Zsombor BOROMISZA, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Landscape Protection and Landscape Rehabilitation, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Landscape principles and design-based learning as a pedagogical method for environmental literacy
8th June| Event page
Mayte Alejandra CUESTA TABARES and Báthoryné Nagy ILDIKÓ RÉKA, Doctoral School of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Ecology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Guidelines to improve the landscape through community work in neighbourhoods situated on slopes in Quito, Ecuador
22nd June| Event page
Martha FAJARDO, Claudia MISTELI, Lucas PERIES, LALI Network, Colombia
Applying the Latin America Landscape Initiative Landscape Principle
28th September| Event page
Kimo VAN DEN BERG, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University
The role of community benefits in community acceptance of multifunctional solar farms in the Netherlands
12th October| Event page
Cathal O’DONOGHUE, University of Galway, Paul KILGARRIFF, Luxembourg Institute of Socio- Economic Research, and Mary RYAN, Teagasc
Understanding Preferences for Rural Landscapes
16 th November| CANCELED
Ruth VARELA, Unidad de investigación pARQc, ETSAC, Universidade da Coruña
Knowledge and landscape: Landscapes of Knowledge vs Landscapes of Oblivion
- First Series 2021 – Landscape is where the disciplines meet
- Second Series 2022 – Landscape and Sustainability
All the video registrations of the previous lectures are available on: www.youtube.com/@uniscape_network