UNISCAPE General Assembly 2020

The UNISCAPE 2020 General Assembly was celebrated online (Zoom) on 27 June.
Find the attached the documents approved and the draft minutes of the meeting.


  1. Opening
    1.1 Welcome
    1.2 Approval minutes GA 2019 meeting
    1.3 Adoption of the agenda
    1.4 President proposals for UNISCAPE 2020-2021 after Covid-19
  2. Network organs and regulation
    2.1 Network composition – proposals new strategies
    2.2 Presentation and contributions from the members for the future of the network
    2.3 Elections of UNISCAPE organs – EB proposal for postponement
  3. Events and celebrations 2020/2021
    3.1 Conference 16-17 October 2020 and publications
    3.2 2020/2021 Landscape online. Events in October 2021
    3.3 Workshops W.A.VE (IUAV-UNISCAPE)
    3.4 En-Route Seminars proposals
  4. Administration and financial situation
    4.1 Balance sheet 2019 approval
    4.2 Draft budget 2020/2021
  5. Next General Assembly meeting – Closing