UNISCAPE Landscape Festival : CALL for contributions NEW deadlines

UNISCAPE warmly invites contributions from its member universities  and sister universities and organizations engaged with the landscape cause to actively participate in the UNISCAPE Landscape Festival, entitled On the Borders of the Planet.

This event forms part of the Official Programme of GO! Borderless Nova Gorica/Gorizia – European Capital of Culture 2025, offering a dynamic platform for creative exchange, academic exploration, and cultural engagement on pressing landscape issues.

The event will host the annual meeting of UNISCAPE General Assembly (23 June)


  • Save the Date: 23-24–25 JUNE 2025
  • Submission of draft proposals and informative chats : 15 MARCH
  • Submission of final proposals, deadline: 30 APRIL
  • Response notification: 5 MAY


To celebrate GO! Borderless, the European Capital of Culture in 2025 and the 25th Anniversary of the Florence Convention, UNISCAPE aims to contribute to both by reclaiming people’s perceptive power in Landscape to challenge existing borders, and reconnect with the ecology of planetary boundaries. The festival investigates the reawakening of human perceptual capacity and subjectivity as a means of reconnecting humans and the earth’s limits through deeply sensory engagement with landscapes, emphasizing perception and landscape dimension as a pathway to understanding ours and respecting planetary systems’ inherent boundaries.

On the first day, all participants, members of the UNISCAPE network, observer organizations and representatives from interested institutions, within an open meeting of the UNISCAPE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, will discuss the development of the landscape alliance, the relaunch of the Florence Convention, and future common challenges to keep the landscape cause alive.

The meeting will also serve as a launch platform for the 2025 edition of the NEXT GENERATION LANDSCAPE FORUM, dedicated to early researchers, students, and young people, encouraging engagement with a broader audience beyond academic circles to highlight the significance of landscapes, landscape studies, and research in cultural, political, economic, and social contexts.

The second day will open the LANDSCAPE ATELIERS, which will showcase and discuss the contributions of the call. The selected contributions should showcase the art-based approach, be interactive and diverse, incorporate various media (design installations, performative video/texts/interviews), and, where possible, emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of our work. The event aims to highlight the work of UNISCAPE network universities and sister organizations on the theme of Landscape, Borders, Borderscapes, and the migrating nature of people and nature across borders, territories, disciplines, identities, and rules.

Existing works, research, and projects on the theme are welcomed but must be presented, enhanced, or refined to fit the exhibition formats and creative, art-based forms of expression.

The third day will be dedicated to the excursion and all other forms of informal interactions.

Event organised by UNISCAPE and the University of Nova Gorica