UNISCAPE General Assembly meeting 2021

5 July 2021 – 16.00 – 18.30 CET
Università IUAV Venezia
Ex Cotonificio di Santa Marta, Dorsoduro 2196.


  1. Opening
    1.1 Welcome
    1.2 Approval minutes GA 2020 meeting
    1.3 Adoption of the agenda
  2. Network organs and composition
    2.1 Network composition overview
    2.3 Elections of UNISCAPE organs: President and vice-Presidents
  3. UNISCAPE position papers and publications
    3.1 Presentation of the White Paper on the Future of European Landscape
    3.2 Presentation of the EU Green Strategy
    3.3 Springer Nature Publication 20th ELC
  4. Events
    4.1 WAVE 2021 IUAV / UNISCAPE
    4.2 Closing Conference “Cultivating the Continuity of European Landscapes” (Florence, October 2021)
    4.3 “Where Disciplines Meet” online Lecture series
    4.4 Other events / proposals
  5. Administration and financial situation
    5.1 Balance sheet 2020 approval
    4.2 Draft budget 2021
  6. Other issues
  7. Next General Assembly meeting – Closing


To participate in the meeting, both in Venice and online, it is necessary to register in advance on Zoom: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ldeCvpzIsEtwUYu–8ViUvlp23H21PgrI

The General Assembly meetings of UNISCAPE are open to the network’s members and observers.

The meeting will be held in mixed-mode. Participants have to register on Zoom in advance:
