UNISCAPE and the IUAV University of Venice organize a special edition of the W.A.Ve workshops that focus on Landscape as a project, starting from the architecture expertise, in occasion both of the 20th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention (2000-2020) and the 20th edition of W.A.Ve.
The initiative emphasizes how Landscape in Europe is closely connected to Architecture in order to recognize and express the potential of the Project in the concept of Landscape, for the care of territories and cities as well as of their inhabitants.
In particular, among the variety and complexity of territories shaped by water, the attention of this workshop is directed to the insular territories: ISLANDS and through them prefigure and compare projects that are born from the narrative construction of island landscapes that include a response to the pressing contemporary environmental problems from new perspectives of protection, action and sustainable transformation.
ISLANDS have always been a particular attraction for Projects on Architecture and Landscape. They have hosted experimentation on the future of many territories and nowadays, specific situations capable of feeding vision and futuristic scenarios are emerging from insular contexts. In many cases, places confined by water do or could constitute actual laboratories for environmental sustainability and the implementation of practices and processes aimed at water and energy autonomy, toward a responsible economy.
In architectural projects, the future of ISLANDS involves the protection and preservation of heritage and landscape values, however, it also presents the undeniable need to deal with specific formal and environmental conditions that these territories currently require, from awareness and integrated skills in order to manage transformation operating at different scales. The purpose is to meet the requirements of such territories by developing future scenarios through experimental architectural project solutions dealing with today’s problems of transformation, enhancement, but also conformation and co-production of inhabited landscapes.
25 teams of project workshop (25 islands) will work on these topics at the IUAV University of Venice from June the 28th to July the 16th 2021, getting involved in an intensive work of three weeks approximately 1200 Architecture students, under the guidance of internationally renowned teachers and designers.
25 exhibitions will be set up at the conclusion of the workshops to display the projects developed for the islands involved, followed by a collection of corresponding publications.
Various ISLANDS from all over the world will be involved in this important initiative, with the aim of elaborating forms of sustainable relationships between Architecture and the Landscape of Water through the projects designed during the workshops.
How to become a Project ISLAND / WORKSHOP
To apply to be one of the Project ISLANDS/WORKSHOP of W.A.Ve 2020, the promoter will need to collaborate in the definition of the project theme and in finding the project and study materials.
The promoter could also provide a contact person and, where appropriate, a collaborative staff for the preparation of the seminars. The contact person or a delegate should also take part in the activities in Venice. The promoter could also help in the diffusion of the workshops results and possibly organize collateral events in the Island territory.
To participate in W.A.VE 2020 is required an economic contribution. This will allow the promoter to became a member of the UNISCAPE Network for 2021-2022 and to participate in the W.A.Ve events organized by IUAV University of Venice, as well as in the UNISCAPE Conference celebrating the 20th anniversary of the European Landscape Convention (Council of Europe), which will be held in Florence on October 20th 2021.
How to proceed:
UNISCAPE is currently collecting expressions of interest, despite the uncertainty of this times due to the current pandemic emergency, and is ready to be flexible to adapt to any eventual needs in order to compile the panel of ISLANDS object of the design workshops.
Please send your request to participate to islands@uniscape.eu