UNISCAPE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IFLA Europe which will strengthen the cooperation both in the education of landscape architecture and the implementation of the European Landscape Convention.
IFLA Europe’s purpose is to establish, promote and support the landscape architectural profession across Europe, contributing to international discourse, shaping and disseminating European initiatives, facilitating the exchange of information, whilst promoting excellence in professional practice, education and research culminating in a culturally rich, diverse and sustainable Europe. IFLA Europe strives to enhance the quality of landscape planning, designing, monitoring and managing in natural, rural and built environments, representing professionals who deal with the interactions between natural and cultural ecosystems, such as adaptation related to climate challenges and the stability of ecosystems, socio-economic improvements, and community health and welfare to create places that anticipate social and economic well-being.
UNISCAPE is a European Network of Universities dedicated to landscape studies and education according to the principles of the European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000). It was created in Florence in January 2008 as a result of the joint initiative of 23 European Universities. Founding members of UNISCAPE are 42 universities from Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Belgium, Slovakia and France. Currently the Network is composed of 56 Universities members from 15 European Countries and 2 private Foundations promoting landscape studies and research. UNISCAPE encourages and assists its members to provide each other technical and scientific assistance in landscape matters through exchange of experience and the results of research projects; to promote the exchange of landscape specialists, in particular for training and information purposes; to exchange information on all matters covered by the European Landscape Convention requirements.
By signing the MoU, both IFLA Europe and UNISCAPE are looking forward to cooperate even more closely in issues regarding landscape architecture!
Some of the specific future activities are:
– To closely cooperate in developing working relationship and inclusion in policy making;
– Participate in issues regarding education of landscape architects;
– Participate in workshops, research and publications:
– Ensure effective communication between two organisations;
– IFLA Europe representative to participate in main UNISCAPE activities such are En-Route etc;
– UNISCAPE representative to participate as an observer at IFLA Europe Education Committee meetings;
– Develop joint activities and initiatives such is Landscape Observatories – possibly develop idea of National Association joining/organising this initiative;
– Help in promoting Las Palmas Declaration of the UNISCAPE through IFLA Europe National Associations and Universities;
– UNISCAPE to promote IFLA Europe Charter of the European Landscape Architects (CELA) – a core document which defines IFLA Europe’s tasks and competencies towards the profession, other associations and society in general. It will help establish establish our fundamental vision regarding landscape as well as our role, challenges and commitments;
– Promote each other’s activities and student competitions – namely IFLA Europe Youth Competition and UNISCAPE International Photo Competition People’s Landscapes;