Any pan-European university engaged in interdisciplinary landscape research is welcome to join UNISCAPE.
According to the Statute, art. 2, candidate members can apply for membership by sending a request for this purpose signed by a legal representative of the University (in general the Dean) and providing the name of the person which shall represent the University in Uniscape’s General Assembly according to article 7.1 of the Statute.
The request should be addressed to the President of UNISCAPE Professor Juan Manuel Palerm.
Please send it a pdf format to:;
See Example of membership request letter below
Membership fee
According to the art. 4 of the Statute, the annual financial contribution for all Members amounts to 1,000 Euro.
According to the internal regulation, the membership fee shall be due by the 30th of June of each year. Members that fail to pay their membership fee by the 31st of December after having been reminded twice, will not be considered members anymore from the 1st of January of the next year.