On the occasion of the 2019 General Assembly meeting, UNISCAPE approved an updated version of its Statute, taking into account the development of the Network’s 10 years activities and the internal regulation defined so far. This new version has been registered in Italy, where the UNISCAPE association is legally based (09.08.2019).
UNISCAPE STATUTE – update 2019 (ENG v.)
UNISCAPE STATUTE – update 2019 (ITA v.)
On 19 January 2008, the Final Constituent Act of UNISCAPE, the Statute, was adopted.
1st UNISCAPE Statute – English
1st UNISCAPE Statute – Original version (Italian)
- During the 2nd meeting of UNISCAPE General Assembly held in Malmo on the 7th of October 2009, the Assembly approved the following regulation regarding the payment of membership fees:
Regulation 1/2009_Payment of membership fees
- During the 4th meeting of UNISCAPE General Assembly held in Ghent on the 15th of October 2011, the Assembly approved the following Recommendation for increasing the involvement of UNISCAPE Representatives and Members:
Recommendation for increasing the involvement of UNISCAPE Representatives and Members
- In occasion of the 8th meeting of UNISCAPE General Assembly in 2015 (Oscarsborg, Norway) a Proposal for Internal Regulation was approved, regarding the opening to the network membership to scientific institution and foundations, that demonstrably promote scientific research and higher education in the area of landscape
Internal Regulation on scientific institution and foundations membership
- During the 2016 UNISCAPE General Assembly meeting in Ireland, Galway, a proposal was approved for regulation on legal headquarters, the constitution of a Management Committee of the Executive Board and the definition of the functions of the President