presented on the occasion of the 8th Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention
Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg 18-20|03|2015 Recommends that the governments of member States Parties to the European Landscape Convention adopt legislative, regulatory, administrative, financial and other appropriate measures to promote landscape in higher education, in accordance with the principles set out in the appendix to this recommendation. […]
Three basic principles are fundamental for higher education in landscape: Transdisciplinarity.To understand the transversal quality of knowledge, the indispensable disciplinary methods and instruments should be complemented with interdisciplinary and people based approaches in order to make clear this implicit relationship in landscape, and offer a new culture (education) for the protection, management and planning of the landscape. Integration of deductive and normative approaches. Based on a commitment to the ethics of conscience, participation, design, concept and aesthetics, there is an urgent need to enhance the best resources, taking on sustainable development models and encouraging a more democratic use of governance in landscape and urban planning. Collective identity. The cultural dimension of landscape should enable the coexistence of diverse cultures and creeds characteristic of contemporary society. […] - PROMOTING LANDSCAPE AWARENESS THROUGH HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING
presented on the occasion of the 9th Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention
Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg 23-24|03|2017 Landscape is an asset characterised by a huge diversity of cultural and natural heritage values. It is constantly evolving, assimilating new societal demands into the inherited tangible and intangible patterns, structures and functions. The increasing dynamics in our globalising world and the associated – often unintended – impacts of policies and societal developments on the landscape require a well- focussed knowledge management. Higher education has a key role in translating the available knowledge into capacities and competences for the future managers and designers of the landscape to translate this requirement in transdisciplinary and participatory approaches to characterisation, valuation, analysis, diagnosis, design and management of the landscape. The societal relevance of landscape education and training is evident from the following considerations […]
presented on the 5th Careggi Seminar under the auspices of UNISCAPE, RECEP-ENELC, CIVILSCAPE
Villa Ruspoli, Florence 28|06|2013The undersigned […], intend: to formally recognise the establishement of European coordination of landscape observatories to actively contribute to the full implementation of the European Landscape Convention.
The undersigned […] commit themselves to convening a meeting before the end of 2013 to approve the establishment of the coordination board. The Executive Board of UNISCAPE invites the Polytechnic and the University of Turin to take charge of the following steps of action. - TORINO CHARTER FOR THE PROMOTION AND DISSEMINATION OF THE LANDSCAPE OBSERVATORIESIN EUROPE
presented on the occasion of the 1st UNISCAPE En-Route Seminar
Castello del Valentino, Turin 22-23|09|2014The unsersigned […], address: the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to organise a special conference to exchange experiences and best practices in order to suport efforts on establishment of Landscape Observatories in the different countries. This to be achieved through the preliminary constitution of European Coordination between all those exting LO on the basis of studies anc activities already carried out by the three European networks, UNISCAPE, RECEP-ENELC, CIVILSCAPE and others.
presented on the occasion of the 8th Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention
Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg 18-20|03|2015The Conference is invited:
– to consider that numerous landscape observatories, institutes and centres have been created over the last few years according to the Recommendation CM/Rec (2008) 3 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to member States on the Guidelines for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention
– to thank Uniscape for the information provided to the Secretariat of the Council of Europe on the holding of an International Seminar on Landscape Observatories in Europe, organised by the University of Turin on 22-23 September 2014 and on a Charter for the “Promotion and dissemination of the landscape observatories in Europe” adopted on this occasion
– to note that the Council of Europe Information System on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention will contribute to identifying these observatories and to including them in an institutional network of the European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe;
-to consider the possibility to organise a meeting of the Workshops on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, in order to promote the exchange on information on practices developed by the landscape observatories. […]