1st February 2017 – The staff of UNISCAPE is pleased to launch, in collaboration with NIPMagazine, the 2nd edition of the People’s Landscapes Video Contest “Landscapes of the Future”
What does Landscape means for you? … Join the contest and share your vision!
Since 2010, UNISCAPE has been organizing a student photo contest called “People’s Landscapes”, involving hundreds of European university students, bringing together an iconic archive on landscape, reflecting the values envisaged in the ELC. Last year People’s Landscapes turned to a video contest, in which participants are encouraged to use dynamic media as a tool to communicate the evolution of landscapes and the life force within them.
This second edition of the contest is named a er the International Conference: “Landscape Futures” organized by the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN), University of Copenhagen, in association with UNISCAPE and the Centre for Land- scape Democracy (CLaD), Norwegian University of Life Sciences, to be held in Copenhagen from June 19th to June 21st 2017.
The theme of the contest “Landscape of the Future” coincides with the topic of the Conference “Landscape Futures” during which the results of the contest will be announced.
Nowadays “landscapes provide a large number of functions, services and benefits to society and that they may be seen as a positive development factors as well as an area with conflicting interests and needs for enhancements”.
According to this concept authors are required to show how future landscapes should look like, or they should not, and to communicate how they contribute to people’s livelihoods and well-being. Participants are encouraged to visit the website of the Landscape Futures Conference to deepen their understanding of the topic.
Participation is simple: fill the application form on-line, which includes the box for the accompanying text, upload the short video (duration: max 5’) and the proof of regular inscription to University in the apposite section. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of all the conditions contained in the contest regulation.
The jury, composed of 5 members external and internal to UNISCAPE staff, will determine the three best projects and will award:
1st prize: € 500,00
2nd Prize: € 300,00
3rd Prize: € 200,00
Each one will receive an official publication on NIPmagazine and presented at the venue of the Conference “Landscape Futures” in Copenhagen.
The Contest is addressed to students attending to any European university from 18 to 35 years old. Participation is free and open to individuals or groups with a maximum of three projects. For more information see the extended call or write us at peopleslandscapes@uniscape.eu