The seventh edition call is open
The seventh edition 2021/2022 will grant two six-month scholarships in the thematic areas of “landscape project” and “nature and gardens” respectively.
For the first area, candidates are invited to submit a research project which focuses on landscape and energy and explores the different scenarios prompted by today’s energy policies, starting by compiling a series of up-to-date references which include a collection of virtuous case studies around the Mediterranean.
For the second area, candidates must submit a research project on the subject of the care and enhancement of historical gardens in Italy. Here, it must also be based on critical analysis of studies, research and experimentation currently ongoing in Italy.
Candidates may individually submit one research project only and are asked to pay close attention to the instructions in article 4 below; candidates are encouraged to submit entries with innovative content that reflects the scientific work of the Foundation.
The deadline for submitting the applications is set without exception to the 31st of August 2021.
The duration of the scholarship is from 15 January 2022 to 15 July 2022.
For more information visit: