The Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN), University of Copenhagen, in association with UNISCAPE and the Centre for Landscape Democracy (CLaD), Norwegian University of Life Sciences, is pleased to announce a call for papers for an international conference on Landscape Futures to be held at the University of Copenhagen, 19- 21 June 2017.
We invite landscape researchers, practitioners and others with an interest in interdisciplinary and transdi- sciplinary approaches.
Following up on previous UNISCAPE conferences, we invite contributions to 5 themes: landscape stewardship, landscape-based solutions, imagining future landscapes, the right to landscape and democratic practices, and landscape education.
See the Conference Programme
Please find more information on the Landscape Futures conference web site.
The Conference is associated with the annual meeting of 2017 UNISCAPE General Assembly.