“Lessons from the past, visions for the future: Celebrating one hundred years of landscape architecture education in Europe”
Hosted by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Campus Ås, Oslo, Norway
September 16-17, 2019
Education is imperative to safeguard change for a better future; change is inherent to landscape and future oriented thinking is embedded in landscape thinking. The first academic education program in landscape architecture in Europe began at the then Agricultural University of Norway in 1919, today the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, Norway. One hundred years onwards, the relatively new discipline of landscape architecture has an opportunity to embrace lessons from the past to project, imagine and envision better futures.
By reflecting on how landscape architecture education has evolved, developed and adapted to critical environmental and societal needs, and how it can go forward in facing contemporary challenges, the discipline moves to the centre of architectural and environmental discourses as the profession best equipped to make the kinds of links necessary for sustainable practice.
This conferece will host tought-provoking discussions, intellectual deliberations, and the sharing of cutting-edge ideas, knowledge and innovation about landscape as a core topic and the role of educators of the future generations of landscape practitioners, researchers and scholars. Two published edited volumes on teaching landscape architeture, The Routledge Handbook of Teaching Landscape Architecture and The Studio Experience, will be launched at this conference. This centennial celebration is also an opportunity to launch a new Master of Landscape Architecture in Global Sustainability at the Faculty of Landscape and Society in the Norwegian Univerisity of Life Sciences.