Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after
23 October 2021 – 15.30
One of the most original outcomes of the thirty years of experience of the Benetton Foundation is the International Carlo Scarpa Garden Prize, a yearly project conceived as research devoted to a “place” and to the people who embody its responsible care, its sense of continuity over time, its links with the contemporary culture of landscape. The long history of the award has highlighted, rather than “projects” in the conventional sense of the term, experiences and mindsets which, regardless of their temporal, historical and geographical setting, point to the necessary planning instrumentation that goes hand in hand with a specific cultural perspective towards landscape.
Hence the idea of extracting from the list of awarded places a selection of landscapes in the form of an “island collection”, linking some recent explorations which took place between 2013 and 2018, in either remote or close places – Iceland, Sicily, Lanzarote, Ireland. Here, dense historical layering and intertwining of man’s culture and peculiar natural settings have deposited on the landscape a legacy that is significant for the current world and has a universal value.
Today, the evolution of research work whose focus is on a “place” and the different meanings of garden that we derive from it, reaffirms the importance of continuing to look in this direction, in which the word “garden” appears as the stanchion and frame of mind required to focus on the most vital and current sense of a possible link between human culture and the world of nature.
Luigi Latini (Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso)