EN-ROUTE Seminar
Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 9-10 February 2017
Thematic introduction
Landscape represents a commonly felt carrier of heritage, spatial identity and future land use opportunities. Therefore it is evident that the monitoring of these values is a key instrument for responsibly protecting, managing and planning landscapes. In many countries the policy development relevant for landscape does not sufficiently assume this responsibility. This is why the Florence Convention (the European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe), and the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the CoE (2008) to establish Landscape Observatories, are the starting point for this conference.
The Conference will enhance the exchange of experiences of existing Landscape Observatories within the context of the Florence Convention. Problems encountered will actively be discussed as well as examples of good practice, to stimulate the development of more landscape observatory initiatives at various levels.
The conclusions of the debate on the potential role of Landscape Observatories will be presented to thebiennial Conference of the European Landscape Convention 23-24 March 2017 in Strasburg.
Call for posters and papers
During the conference there is time available for the plenary presentation of a limited number of papers. Submission of abstracts is encouraged, which should make clear how the paper/poster contributes to the objectives of the Conference. A review committee will select the papers for presentation and inform the authors.
The abstract, written in English, should not exceed 3,000 characters (including spaces) and must be submitted to info@uniscape.eu. The abstract must include: title, author(s), affiliation(s); max 5 keywords.
Deadlines and organisation
Abstracts should be submitted by January 9th, 2017, at the latest.
Notification of acceptance as oral presentation or poster will be sent to the authors by January 16th, 2015. Authors of both oral presentations and posters will be invited to submit concise full papers (6 pages) by March 10th for the Conference Proceedings, which will be published in the series UNISCAPE En-Route (ISSN 2281-3195).
Review Committee
Gerrit-Jan van Herwaarden (LandschappenNL), Henk Baas (CHA), Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar UNISCAPE), Inge Gotzman (CIVILSCAPE)
More information www.landschapsobservatorium.nl