photo by G. Galletti 2020
16th October morning/ virtual session from Palazzo Vecchio, Sala d’Armi
9.00 introduction and welcome remarks
Juan Manuel Palerm, UNISCAPE President, ULPGC
Rafael Robaina Romero, Rector of the Univerisity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Mauro Agnoletti, President of the Regional Landscape Observatory of Tuscany, DAGRI
Saverio Mecca, DIDA Director, University of Florence
Francesco Ferrini, President of the School of Agriculture, University of Florence
9.30-13.30 Challenges/ Landscape as a project/ Landscape as a common good
Introduced and chaired by Sasa Dobricic, UNISCAPE vice-president , University of Nova Gorica
9.45. Emanuele Coccia, philosopher EHESS, Paris
The life of plants: a metaphysics of Mixture (draft)
11. 05 Lucka Kajfež Bogataj, Climatologist and member of IPCC, University of Ljubljana
Climate change and other planetary pressures: is landscape science prepared for new reality?
11. 45. Amy Strecker, expert in International Law and Spatial justice, University College, Dublin,
Landscape, Property, and Spatial (In)Justice: Problems and Prospects of articulating Landscape as Commons in Law
12. 25. Frédérique Aït Touati, historian of literature and modern science, theatre director, CNRS Paris
Performing landscape
13.00 Discussion led by Veerle van Eetvelde, UNISCAPE vice-president. University of Ghent
16th October afternoon/ virtual sessions from Palazzo Vecchio, Sala d’Armi
14.30-16.00 Thematic Session Landscape Policy and governance.
Introduced and chaired by Gian Franco Cartei, University of Florence, Claudia Cassatella, Turin Polytechnic University
14.45 Stefano Civitarese Matteucci, University of Chieti-Pescara
Landscape planning policy as a measure of implementation of the European Landscape Convention
15.15 Jørgen Primdahl, Copenhagen University
Policy and governance challenges facing European rural landscapes
15.45 concluding remarks
organised by Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Horizons, IUFRO
PARALLEL SESSION 1 | Governance and restoration of forest heritage systems
Chair: John Parrotta, President, IUFRO
16.00 Ian D. Rotherham Sheffield Hallam University/IUFRO, UK – How Landscape History and Tradition Present Challenges for Present and Future Forest Management
16.20 Lars Östlund Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden – Strategies to protect the ancient cultural forest landscapes in northern Europe – how to interpret seemingly natural old-growth forests with new methods
16.40 Elisabeth Johann Austrian Forest Association/IUFRO, Austria – Coppice forests: The re-introduction of traditional management systems in response to the decline of species and landscape and under the aspect of climate change
17.00 Tereza Blažková Charles University & Labrys NGO, Prague, Czech Republic, Jirí Woitsch Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic – Different stories of mountain spruce forest heritage in the Bohemian Forest, Central Europe: Conflicting issues or a way for finding more effective management and protection policies?
17.20 Mónica Gabay National University of San Martin, Argentina, Hugo Arce Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain – Enhancing forest cultural values and traditional knowledge reproduction in San Pedro, Province of Misiones, Argentina
17.40 Katie Kamelamela Akaka Foundation for Tropical Forests, Hawaii, USA – Revitalization of Cultural Values in Hawaii’s Forested Landscapes through Consensus
18.00-18.30 Discussion
PARALLEL SESSION 2 | Governance of agricultural heritage systems
Chair: Alexandra Kruse, EUCALAND Network, , Fabiana Navia, University of Porto
16.00 Alexandra Kruse (EUCALAND), Martina Slamová, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia – Old but not old fashioned: Agricultural Landscapes as European Heritage and basis for sustainable multifunctional farming to earn a living
16.20 Viviana Ferrario, IUAV University of Venice, Italy– Agricultural heritage at stake in Italy and the ELC. National policies and bottom-up initiatives
16.40 Yves Michelin, Université Clermont Auvergne, AgroParisTech, INRAE, VetAgro Sup, Territoires, Clermond-Ferrand, France – Making the geological landforms more understandable in the landscape by supporting and modernizing the traditional grazing systems: a new governance system in the Chaine des Puys – Limagne fault UNESCO Site that could inspire other places
17.00 Zdenek Kucera, Zdenek Boudný, Vít Jancák, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic – Changing meanings of agricultural landscape heritage: the case of Czechia
17.20 Jana Špulerová, Zita Izakovicová Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia – The selected indicators for typology of biocultural landscapes in Slovakia
17.40 Eleni Athanasiadou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Aikaterini Gkoltsiou IFLA Europe / Panhellenic Association of Landscape Architects, Athens, Greece, Angeliki Paraskevopoulou Agricultural University of Athens, Greece – Agricultural Heritage Landscapes of Greece: three case studies and strategic steps towards their acknowledgement, conservation and management
18.00-18.30 Discussion
17th October morning / virtual sessions from Palazzo Vecchio, Sala d’Armi
9.00-10.30 Thematic Session Observing landscape
Introduced and chaired by Juanjo Galan, Aalto University, Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar, Univerisity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
9.15 Pere Sala I Martì, Catalonia Landscape Observatory
The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia: A journey of fifteen years.
9.45 Luigi Latini, IUAV University of Venice, Italy, FBSR
The design sense of landscape observing. Five open windows overlooking the Veneto landscape
10.15 concluding remarks
10.45-12.15 Thematic Session Landscape design and time
Introduced and chaired by Rita Occhiuto, University of Liège and Margherita Vanore, University IUAV of Venice
11.00 Marco Navarra, University of Catania
Fragile Earths. Architecture/Archaeology
11.30 Michel Hössler, Agence Ter, Paris
Time- tested design and implementation
12.00 concluding remarks
12.30-13.10 presentation of the UNISCAPE White paper
to be implemented to 20 October 2021
Bas Pedroli, Wageningen University
Juanjo Galàn, Aalto University, Finland
Introduced and discussed by Fabio Salbitano DAGRI, UNISCAPE repr. University of Florence
17th October afternoon / live session from Salone dei Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio
14.30 Dario Nardella, Major of Florence, welcome remarks
14.50 Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (tbc)
15.00 Roberto Morassut, Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Environment
15.10 Enrico Vicenti, General Secretary, UNESCO National Committee
15.20 Luigi Dei Rector of the University of Florence
15.30 Ouverture
15.30 Tessa Matteini (chair), UNISCAPE Director, DIDA unifi
15.40 Franco Zagari, UNISCAPE founder member
15.50 Yann Nussaume, ENSA Paris, La Villette
16.00 Conor Newman, NUI University di Galway
16.10 Renato Bocchi, IUAV University of Venice
16.20 Cultivating continuity of European Landscape
16.20 Mauro Agnoletti (chair), President of the Regional Landscape Observatory of Tuscany
16.35 Ellen Fetzer, ECLAS president
16.45 Marc Claramunt, IFLA Europe
16.55 Fabio Di Carlo, IASLA President
17.05 Gabriele Locatelli , Slow Food Delegate
17.15 Twenty years of ELC
17.15 Juan Manuel Palerm (chair), President UNISCAPE, ULPGC
17.30 Maguelonne Déjeant Pons, Secretariat of the Council of Europe
18.00-18.30 pause
18.30 Landscapes of the future
Maria Cristina Tullio, AIAPP President
Cecilia Del Re, Council Member Municipality of Florence
Anna Lambertini President Master degree in Landscape Architecture, DIDA unifi
Tessa Capponi, President Foundation Tutela territorio Chianti Classico
Tuscany Region Observatory Landscape Award Ceremony
Vincenzo Ceccarelli, Council Member Tuscany Region
Alessandro Jaff, Rete Professioni Tecniche
Franco Cambi, University of Siena
Gianrico Fabbri, President Slow Food Toscana
Eugenio Giani, Tuscany Region President
18th October morning
Excursion/promenade with guided visit to Boboli garden, Bardini garden, Rampe and Viale dei Colli
10.30-13.00 Exploring Oltrarno heritage landscapes
organized by AIAPP (Italian Association of Landscape Architects) Tuscany, Umbria, Marche,
guided by Giorgio Galletti, International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscape