12th -14th of October 2016, Bucharest and Campulung Muscel, Romania
The 6th UNISCAPE En Route seminar RE-Connections in Landscape took place between 12-15th of October 2016, organized by ‘’ION MINCU’’ University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania, in collaboration with UNISCAPE and Campulung Muscel City Hall.
The first day of the seminar was held in Bucharest at Frescoes Hall UAUIM, followed by a study trip and a workshop held in Campulung Muscel, the first capital of Romania County.
The target of the seminar consisted in the reconsidering of the main issues related to landscape, within a broad vision opened by The European Landscape Convention, Florence, 2000, having in view the concept of landscape as a system of systems where connections and reconnections are essential, in order to assume main landscape qualities.
– Ecoplaces
– Architectural heritage and landscape
– Sustainable archaeology
– Memorial landscapes
These topics are related to the workshop targets, regarding an integrated transdisciplinary approach to increase landscape values in Campulung Muscel, including aspects aiming conservation of traditional, byzantine and neoromanian architectural heritage, reconsidering the Targului river’s sites, revitalization within a sustainable approach of the Jidova archeological ruins and revitalization of the public space and of the historical garden belonging to the historical structure of the city and of the historical garden and creation of historical memorial routes in order to reconsider cultural values in Campulung Muscel. From a transdisciplinary perspective, the integrated re-connection of these issues intends to create a stable landscape as a system of systems, implying the process of re-search, re-creation, re-integration, re-enhancing of landscape qualities. Re-connection process in landscape targets on the relations established in time between human beings and landscape, his influence on humans behaviour, in chorographic perspective landscape representing repository of human experiences, offering different perception and understanding levels, in order to find hidden or new connections and to create networks in order to enhance new synergies.
Campolung Muscel WORKSHOP
The purpose of workshop theme was to realize a cultural route including the still existing or disappeared values in Campulung, as a system of systems able to produce new synergies.
It considered the following aspects:
– the managing to create a rivers shore along Targului River, The Trade/Fair River, taking into account that before many watermills or sawmills have existed there . Ecological value can also be enhanced along the river, as the polluted industry is stopped last 20 years there are birds and fishes again in the river..
– reconsidering the former mahala’s neighbouring streets where the craftsmen working in the same guild were grouped, these neighborhoods remaining until today in the collective mental, keeping the same name of the guilds, people being grouped to the same church as few centuries ago (The Potters, the Furriers, the Skinners, Cross Carvers, Subesti or Tabaci) .
– The route of the votive stone crosses with floral ornament, there are 39 votive stone crosses in the city.
– The route of villas and memorial houses, as in Campulung born and lived important personalities for the Romanian culture
– Memorial monuments dedicated to the heroes in the first world war
– The central area including the public garden, the old park of the Kretzulescu Baths, and the open air theatre
– valorizing the route to Flamanda Hill, where are the Bride church and a cemetery, as the parcours is invaded by wild green that hasn’t been organized long time, blocking the nice view perspective to the city valley.
– archaelogical ruins, as through Campulung has passed one of the lines of fortifications designed to defend the border of the Roman province of Dacia,Limes Transalutanus, along which the sequence of military camps stretched.
Poet Nichita Stanescu said refering to Campulung: ” In Campulung, the air is pierced with birds, and through those openings, the light of stars is flowing down. Campulung is country’s pillow. We lay our temple on the sweetness of her snowy sleep …We love this country and we are not at all ashamed of it, as the shadow is not ashamed of its oak. Shadow would I be in long Campulung…”
There are a lot of values in Campulung, this magical place between mountain, hill and valley, there is written a lot a literature about all ist values, unfortunately nowadays many of them are not at all considered being in danger to disappear, as most of the architectural values, nice villas opened to the landscape, having a lovely perspective to the landscape, and UNISCAPE’s expertise is really needed to give a signal to defeat, to reconsider and to re-connect all these values.
All information: http://enrouteseminar.wixsite.com/6thuniscapeseminar