Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after
23 October 2021 – 17.00
The transition towards renewable energy sources is among the grand challenges of the 21st century; renewable energy technologies require space and drive landscape change. As a result, European countries are currently confronted with two realities of the energy transition: (1) a reality where the urgency of the global energy targets focuses on a fast and cost-efficient pathway towards a zero carbon energy system, and (2) a reality of where local stakeholders stress the preservation of current landscape characteristics and oppose renewable energy projects. In line with the European Landscape Convention, we believe landscapes are dynamic and provide a common ground to discuss a sustainable future. In the atelier we therefore depart from the hypothesis that the we can cultivate renewable energy sources in harmony with ecologies, food, archaeologies, aesthetics and narratives. In the Atelier, we aim to explore this next generation of energy landscapes, specifically what these landscapes are, how they come into being and who the relevant actors are. Borrowing the concept form the artists Burattoni and Abrioux (2002), we aim to explore our energy ektopy, that ideal landscape that is still in numbers and words and not figured out yet. Who are the actors, how can we approach this energy ektopy and what the resulting landscapes? The garden metaphor for the 21st challenges as recently expressed by Venturi Ferriolo (2019) can certainly help us. The aim of the atelier is to outline a Florence agreement for the energy ektopy. We expect the agreement outline to be a starting point in one of the most beautiful garden in Florence where gardens have always represented the ektopies of their times.
Amsterdam Academy of Architecture – High Density Energy Landscapes Research Group and ENSP Versailles-Marseille – chaire Paysage et Énergie
Paolo Picchi, Dirk Oudes, Roberta Pistoni, Aureline Doreau
– Gianni Ravazzi (Coesione Bacino del Tanaro) | video message
– Hervè Brunon (directeur de recherche au CNRS, Centre André Chastel, Paris)
– Odile Marcel (Collectif Paysage de l’apres petrole) | video message
– Federica Cerroni ( Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’area metropolitana di Roma, la provincia di Viterbo e l’Etruria meridionale) | video message
– Heinz Ossenbrink (Former Joint Research Center European Commission, Ispra, IT)
– Lorenzo Vallerini (University of Florence, ARCHLAND office, Florence)
– Alessandra Scognamilgio (ENEA)
– Fabrizio Cembalo (AIAPP | Studio Progettoverde, Naples)
– Lorenza Fortuna (PhD candidate in Landscape Architecture, University of Florence)
– Burattoni, G., & Abrioux, Y. (2002). Faut-il paysager son domaine cognitif?. Tropismes, (10), 155-180.
– Picchi, P., van Lierop, M., Geneletti, D., & Stremke, S. (2019). Advancing the relationship between renewable energy and ecosystem services for landscape planning and design: A literature review. Ecosystem Services, 35.
– Stremke, S., & van den Dobbelsteen, A. (2012). Sustainable Energy Landscapes: Designing, Planning and Development; Bocan Raton: CRC Press,
– Venturi Ferriolo, M., (2019). Oltre il giardino. Vele. ISBN 9788806240783