Thematic roundtable | Cultivating continuity – one year after
23 October – 9.30
Has landscape, the most subjective and aesthetic model of Earth, being generated subjectively ‘in seeing’, secretly maintained and rendered visible, the intimate relationship between us and that terrestrial materiality that we ‘live from’ even if do not necessarily ‘live in’? Landscape ‘as perceived’ has persistently cultivated our inseparability from all existential as well as emotional components that life is made of, by generating this coexistence of nature and culture as it functions in ‘our eyes’. Between ‘art of gardening’ and ‘art of building’ can Landscape perform as privileged arena for the understanding of ‘art of living/inhabiting’ with the extended community of living?
Prof.dr. Saša Dobricic, University of Nova Gorica/ UNISCAPE
Prof.dr. Fabio Salbitano, University of Florence
Landscape beyond the landscape. Landscape based thinking walks the intertwined paths of strategies, research and actions concerning multiscalar and dynamic landscapes
9:55- 10:15
Prf.dr. Katherine Szanto, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette, Paris/via zoom
“Landscape laboratories: living laboratories for teaching and research”
Prof.dr. Mina Di Marino, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/ via zoom
Introduction to the Centre for Landscape Democracy (NMBU) and the future challenges in landscape research
Prof.dr. Tim Waterman, University College London/ via zoom
A Cosmopolitan View of Landscape Studies from the Bartlett School of Architecture and the Landscape Research Group
Prof.dr. Lucija Ažman Momirski, University of Ljubljana
Challenges and Trends in Landscape Research: Intentional Divisions
Prof.dr. Anna Lambertini, University of Florence
In situ, in visu. Experimentations in Landscape Architecture teaching/learning process.
11.35- 12:00
Prof.dr. Conor Newman, National University of Ireland, Vice -President UNISCAPE
Concluding remarks and Discussion
Drs. Eleonora Giannini, PhD candidate in Landscape Architecture, University of Florence