Deadline 31 October 2019 Triennial selection of projects and initiatives for the protection, the management and the enhancement of the landscape in the Alps area. The Landscape Observatory of the Autonomous Province of Trento, in accordance with the dictates of the European Landscape Convention and with the guidelines of the Provincial Urban Plan, promotes the development of initiatives aimed to the enhancement, the protection and the coherent transformation of the landscape. For this purpose, an alpine landscape prize is instituted. The MAKING LANDSCAPE AWARD is based on a three-year … [Read more...] about MAKING LANDSCAPE AWARD
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UNISCAPE General Assembly 2019
20 JUNE 2019, 10.00 | La Coruña VENUE Rectorate Building University of La Coruña | Press RoomRúa da Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña, SPAIN DOWNLOAD THE REPORT OF THE MEETING DRAFT AGENDA Opening 1.1 President welcome 1.2 Approval minutes 2018 General Assembly meeting (Bologna, 06.06.2018) 1.3 Adoption of the agenda Las Palmas Declaration of Rectors for University Landscape Education in Europe 2.1 Presentation of the final version Network organs and regulation 3.1 Network composition overview 3.2 Approval of the updated Statute of the association Administration and financial … [Read more...] about UNISCAPE General Assembly 2019
Thirty Years of Landscape Architecture Education in Finland
With the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Aalto University Landscape Architecture programme we will be celebrating in October 2019 a Research+Practice Seminar The seminar LANDMARK30 wants to share and display professional projects and research works related to landscape architecture and produced during the last 30 years with a special focus in the Finnish or Nordic context. It will also reflect on the evolution of landscape architecture practice and learning in Finland. You are welcome to present your contribution in one of the four following themes: THEMES for PRESENTATIONS … [Read more...] about Thirty Years of Landscape Architecture Education in Finland
Conference “Dessin, design, projet. Représenter et reconfigurer les espaces ouverts”
Aujourd’hui l’évolution des pratiques et des politiques de transformation des lieux réinterroge à la fois le dessin, le design – entendu comme processus de conception global et à différentes échelles – et le projet spatial dans leur organisation traditionnelle. L’affirmation des démarches de concertation, de participation ou de co-conception ont ouvert la recherche sur d’autres formes d’expression et d’élaboration du projet spatial. dans l’objectif de rendre transmissibles et partageables les données complexes relevées sur le terrain les outils issus des arts de la représentation graphique et … [Read more...] about Conference “Dessin, design, projet. Représenter et reconfigurer les espaces ouverts”
Territorial Processes and Community Participation: the Democratic Lesson of the European Landscape Convention
UNISCAPE AND UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE 6 May, 10.00-13.00 Sala Rossa, Villa Ruspoli Piazza Indipendenza 9, Florence The European Landscape Convention is an international normative document of great significance, as it has allowed to transform the notion of landscape and to bring it closer to the concept of the territory as a whole. The starting point of this change represents the achieved awareness of the landscape as a European heritage and a cultural, environmental, social and economic resource that contributes to the well-being and satisfaction of human beings and to the consolidation … [Read more...] about Territorial Processes and Community Participation: the Democratic Lesson of the European Landscape Convention
International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens 2019
The tea gardens of Dazhangshan Wuyuan, Jiangxi, People’s Republic of China INFO The Scientific Committee of Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche has decided to dedicate the thirtieth edition of the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens to The tea gardens of Dazhangshan, situated in Wuyuan County, in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, in southeast China. Tea cultivation is carried out in a vast system of hills at the foot of Mount Dazhangshan in undulating plantations with distinctive rows of neat hedges that lie beween the forests above and … [Read more...] about International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens 2019