Final version PREAMBLE This declaration by UNISCAPE Network University Rectors, assembled for
Thirty Years of Landscape Architecture Education in Finland
With the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Aalto University Landscape Architecture programme
Naturale Inclinazione
Ippolito Pizzetti International Summer School 209 Info and registration:
Conference “Dessin, design, projet. Représenter et reconfigurer les espaces ouverts”
Aujourd’hui l’évolution des pratiques et des politiques de transformation des lieux réinterroge à la
Territorial Processes and Community Participation: the Democratic Lesson of the European Landscape Convention
UNISCAPE AND UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE 6 May, 10.00-13.00 Sala Rossa, Villa Ruspoli Piazza
Landscape, Democracy and the European Union
ECLAS (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools) is starting a new online seminar with a