Pozzuoli, 18-20 May 2020 - POSTPONED After careful consideration of the conditions surrounding
Ri-Vista Call for Papers
EXPLORING LANDSCAPES OF RESEARCH Ri-Vista is launching its first CALL for 2020. We
Open Education for a Better World
University of Nova Gorica (UNG) and UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and
Deadline 31 October 2019 Triennial selection of projects and initiatives for the protection, the
Ri-Vista issue 2/2019 | Thematic Call
CALL FOR PAPER DEADLINE 22 SEPTEMBER 2019 In the twentieth anniversary of the signature of the
Scholarships for landscape studies 2019-2020 Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche
Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, in the framework of the research activities on landscape and the