The 2020 International Conference of UNISCAPE, the European network of universities dedicated to
Italian selection for the Council of Europe Landscape Award
Il MiBACT pubblica il BANDO per la selezione della Candidatura italiana alla VII edizione del Premio
In memory of Marco Tamaro (1959-2020)
Marco Tamaro, director of the Benetton Studi Ricerche Foundation and central figure in the world of
UNISCAPE General Assembly 2020
The UNISCAPE 2020 General Assembly was celebrated online (Zoom) on 27 June. Find the attached the
Master of Science in Landscape Studies – University of Padova
LAUREA MAGISTRALE IN SCIENZE PER IL PAESAGGIO Università degli studi di Padova Italian web
Sustainability Special Issue “Visual Landscape Research in Sustainable Urban and Landscape Planning”
Call for Papers Special Issue "Visual Landscape Research in