UNISCAPE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2018 MINUTES AVAILABLE Wednesday 06June | 9.30 - 12.30 Bologna, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte University of Bologna DRAFT AGENDA 1. Opening 1.1 Welcome 1.2 Approval minutes 2017 General Assembly meeting (Copenhagen, 18.06.2017) 1.3 Adoption of the agenda 2. Network organs and regulation 2.1.Overview on network composition 2.2. Adaptation of the Statute 3. Administration and financial situation 3.1.Balance Sheet approval / Budget 2017 3.2.New VAT Regime and financial perspectives / Preliminary draft budget 2018 3.3.Network Office and staff 4. … [Read more...] about UNISCAPE General Assembly 2018
This section provides information and all the documentation regarding the statutory meetings of the organs of UNISCAPE.
UNISCAPE’s 7th General Assembly meeting & International Seminar PEOPLE AND LANDSCAPE III.
PEOPLE AND LANDSCAPE III, European Landscape Convention in Practice 29 – 30 May 2014, Lednice in Moravia / Czech Republic venue: MULTIFUNCTION CENTRE CASTLE LEDNICE / LEDNICE NA MORAV? organised by Mendel University in Brno- Faculty of Horticulture, Department of Landscape Planning, Cenelc.cz - Centre of the European Network for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in the Czech Republic, VÚKOZ- Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening , UPOL- Palacky University Olomouc, Bioinstitut- Institute for Organic Agriculture and Sustainable … [Read more...] about UNISCAPE’s 7th General Assembly meeting & International Seminar PEOPLE AND LANDSCAPE III.
DOCUMENTS UNISCAPE’s 7th General Assembly Meeting
UNISCAPE's General Assembly meeting took place the 29th of May 2014 from 6,30 to 8,30 pm in the Multifunction Centre Lednice Chateau. These are the main documents: Minutes of the General Assembly Meeting 29.05.14 Docs of the General Assembly Meeting UNISCAPE 2013 Balance sheet Report Financial Controller MINUTES of the meeting and main Documents, LEDNICE 29 May 2014 … [Read more...] about DOCUMENTS UNISCAPE’s 7th General Assembly Meeting
Documents 2013 Executive Board Meeting in Paris
1 May 2013, Paris (France) … [Read more...] about Documents 2013 Executive Board Meeting in Paris
UNISCAPE’s 6th General Assembly Docs and MINUTES
UNISCAPE's 6th general assembly meeting took place: Wednesday 1 May 2013, 2 pm - 7 pm AMP (le laboratoire Architecture, Milieu & Paysage) at 118 avenue Jean-Jaurès The MINUTES of the meeting are available! Paris 1 May 2013, 2-7 pm … [Read more...] about UNISCAPE’s 6th General Assembly Docs and MINUTES
Minutes UNISCAPE 5th General Assembly
Kindly find below the Minutes: Ref.: UNISCAPE/5GA/DOC.minutes.2012 In occasion of the 5th General Assembly meeting in Faro UNISCAPE welcomed 6 new members: Mendel University in Brno (CZECH REPUBLIC) Technological Educational Institute of Epirus (Greece) Università per Stranieri di Perugia (Italy) Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) University Ion Mincu Bucharest (Romania) University of Macerata (Italy) For information on the new Executive Board composition please click here the documents of the meeting are available … [Read more...] about Minutes UNISCAPE 5th General Assembly