Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after 23 October 2021 – 15.30 Widening our horizon towards Bhutan 2022 applying the ELC and local knowledge Terraces are sources of cultural identity and a component of cultural heritage, which have been abandoned in many regions of Europe. They constitute a foundation for local people’s identity and a resource favourable to economic activity, especially for family farms and new collectives producing healthy food. From the point of view of the agro-industry terraced landscapes are marginal and unproductive, politically they are neglected … [Read more...] about Perceptions, Concepts and Visions for Terraced Landscapes
Landscape Ateliers
IUAV Landscapes
Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after 23 October 2021 – 15.30 ON VIDEO (Italian) IUAV LANDSCAPES Integrated Research and Teaching Perspectives PAESAGGI IUAV prospettive di ricerca e didattica integrata edited by Margherita Vanore (Università Iuav di Venezia, Department of Architecture and Arts) with PRIDE Laboratory (Pro Research in Integral Design Environment), Research Infrastructure IR.IDE The seminar aims to bring out what significant has being prefigured at the Iuav University of Venice on issues concerning Landscape, considered in its various expressive … [Read more...] about IUAV Landscapes
Reinventing public spaces
Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after 23 October 2021 – 17.o0 Landscape design exercises on Largo Annigoni, Florence Il workshop, a carattere intensivo e interdisciplinare, è finalizzato all’elaborazione di proposte progettuali per la riorganizzazione di uno spazio aperto urbano, Largo Annigoni, del centro storico fiorentino. Si tratta di un nodo della città pubblica che negli ultimi venti anni è stato oggetto di una sequenza ravvicinata di lavori di trasformazione (la realizzazione di un parcheggio sotterraneo, l’inserimento del nuovo Mercato delle Pulci, l’apertura … [Read more...] about Reinventing public spaces
Isolario. The Landscape of Islands and the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Garden,1990-2020
Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after 23 October 2021 – 15.30 One of the most original outcomes of the thirty years of experience of the Benetton Foundation is the International Carlo Scarpa Garden Prize, a yearly project conceived as research devoted to a “place” and to the people who embody its responsible care, its sense of continuity over time, its links with the contemporary culture of landscape. The long history of the award has highlighted, rather than “projects” in the conventional sense of the term, experiences and mindsets which, regardless of their temporal, … [Read more...] about Isolario. The Landscape of Islands and the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Garden,1990-2020
Woods go Urban
Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after 23 October 2021 – 15.30 The experimental ‘Landscape Laboratory’ at SLU’s Alnarp Campus in Malmö, Sweden, has prefigured a new category of public space, the urban wood. It seems particularly apt to counter climate change, planetary urbanisation, and shrinking public funds. Its ‘landscape laboratory approach’, characterised by evolutionary design and creative management, is discussed today as model for co-producing public space. This is why this Atelier invites to look into the original Lab, to study similar projects in Europe, and to … [Read more...] about Woods go Urban
Cultivating energies: in pursuit of a new ektopy
Landscape Atelier/ Cultivating continuity one year after 23 October 2021 - 17.00 The transition towards renewable energy sources is among the grand challenges of the 21st century; renewable energy technologies require space and drive landscape change. As a result, European countries are currently confronted with two realities of the energy transition: (1) a reality where the urgency of the global energy targets focuses on a fast and cost-efficient pathway towards a zero carbon energy system, and (2) a reality of where local stakeholders stress the preservation of current landscape … [Read more...] about Cultivating energies: in pursuit of a new ektopy